Sunday 22 September 2013

Pickering in North Yorkshire

Weather good - so off for the five hour drive up to Yorkshire. First impression of the town was good, and we found the football ground easily. Alan - the man in charge who booked the band came to see us and we had nice easy access into the function room. Slightly odd shape as there are two rooms in a 'L' shape and we would be playing to both, so we set our gear up so we could work both. A little unusual as the people in each room could see us, but not each other. One bar serviced both. The bar staff were clearly in the spirit of the event, as they were in Hawaiian shirts and big Timmy Mallett style glasses. 

When we arrived the cup match was taking place outside the window, and sadly the home team lost. The place was packed by the evening and everyone had a great meal, and we went on stage for our two 45 minute sets at 9.15.

Dacre, our drummer and I went in the van with the PA, and Ian, Ben and Pete were in a car. Ian needed to be home early next morning, so he'd not booked the usual hotel - and we only realised this about 8pm! He's an evening person, so had no concerns about driving through the night - and when we all travel in one vehicle, he always volunteers for the night drive. I'm the opposite, so up early in the morning, but by midnight, I've gone! It never occurred to any of us to check the return details, so Alan the organiser, found us somewhere to stay, just down the road with a couple who will be at the show. Very friendly people - how I wish everywhere was as welcoming to visitors.

We did the usual selection of songs, and again as often happens, the dancers kept us in the fast number list. 

Anorak Stuff

Our usual monitor system is in-ears for bass and drums, and Turbosound floor wedges for keys and guitar - both are 2 x 12", and would probably be fine for a main PA in some venues. Ian and Ben were trying out some small behringer personal monitors - small speakers that fit on the microphone stands, and then have the boom sticking out the top. Amazing little boxes, that because they are close in, are pretty loud to you - but make the stage much quieter. I think one of the questest shows we've done - which pleases the PA people because they get more control over the sound. I turned my bass amp down too, and it made quite a difference. The only drawback Ian found was that he could feel the 'wind' from my basses bottom notes coming out of the tiny little speaker! weird.

More news coming soon.

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