Monday 14 October 2013

Right - trying to produce some set lists - 6 thirty minute sets, spread over a couple of days - but it seems probable that it will be a different crowd each time. So, we're stuck. Do we just do the favourites and repeat the set, which isn't good for any real fans who come back for the next set, but equally, missing out the favourites is a bad move for the new people. I suppose the real problem is that the Beach Boys have had so many good songs that people think are the popular ones, that finding the real 'core' stuff is so difficult. Even in the band, we can't decide which is our favourite - four people with four different lists. We've asked people to give us their favourites so we can see if their list is the same as ours.

Next step is to have a rehearsal this week and work on a few new songs. We've decided to have a low key rehearsal and spend time on the vocals with food and tea, we always get more done this way!

More coming soon.

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